Friday, June 3, 2011

Not Exactly a Clean Getaway

In a southern New Jersey town, police officers responded to a store on a report of a shoplifter. A description of the suspect and his apparel was given, and not long afterward an officer detained a person wearing the described clothes, walking not far from the store.

The officer found that the suspect was carrying two 100-ounce bottles of laundry detergent in a bag from a different store, although the suspect had no receipt for their purchase.

Upon being arrested the suspect said that in retrospect he should have hidden in the woods for twenty minutes because he saw all of the police cars in the area.

A store employee confirmed that the suspect was the shoplifter. The employee said she had seen him come into the store, empty handed, and walk up an aisle. He came back down the aisle, sweatshirt bulging with something, and walked out of the store.

She also said that she had been wondering who had been stealing all of the Tide.